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World War Photos
First flight of the prototype Hurricane at Brooklands, piloted by P W S 'George' Bulman, 6 November 1935. The Hurricane seen here before her maiden flight.

A wee correction, the image posted was taken sometime after its first flight, but was definitely in the capable hands of Bulman at this time. At the time of the Hurri's first flight, it had one less frame in the sliding canopy, the centre one was missing and it had bracing struts fitted under the tailplane. See below.


According to my Hurricane book (Hawker Hurricane, Robert Jackson, Blandford, 1987), between 6 November 1935 and 7 February 1936 it made ten flights, all flown by Bulman. The canopy framing was fitted soon after the first flight but the struts were removed subsequently. An image in the book shows the aircraft in flight with the canopy frame and the tailplane struts in place.

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