Picture of the day.

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392nd Bomb Group B-24s drop napalm over Royan (France), 14 April 1945. Note what appears to be a Pathfinder radar ball on the closest aircraft and the bomb trailing marking smoke in the lower right of the frame.

This was a most unfortunate and disastrous raid that should never have been authorized.


That smoke trailing bomb looks more like a aircraft launched rocket. The nose is pointed and the tail is squared off. The napalm canisters are round on both ends. Just my observation. I may be wrong. If so, I apologize.

A bomber crew of the 306th Bomb Group stand beneath the wing of their B-17 Flying Fortress.
Kacksetter of Denver, Colorado.
Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Lester R. Kramer of Scranton Pennsylvania ,
Navigator Lt. Luther S. Pierce of Fairhaven Massachusetts.
2nd Lt Stanley R Stedt of Stockholm, Maine.
Tec. Sgt. William W. Fahrenhold of McKees Rocks, Penn.,
Tec. Sgt Raymond T. Stymacks of Bronx, N.York.
Ball Turret Gunner. Tec. Sgt. Robert L Myllykoski of Painsville, Ohio.
Left waist gunner Staff Sgt John H. Jessup Union City, Indiana.
Right Waist Gunner Staff Sgt. Louis A. Skinner, Independence, Kansas.
Tail Gunner Staff Sgt. Milton B. Edwards, Laurel, Maryland S.& G. G.C
No photo credit available.

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