Picture of the day.

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looks rather sad beached there waiting to be wrecked but thats progress i suppose

There might still be hope for it, although unlikely. A private consortium has entered negotiations with the scrappers in the vain hope of preserving it as a hotel in Goa, which the city officials in Goa are keen on, but it's a long shot, to be frank. It's the second attempt at preservation as the first one, done before it was sold to the scrappie evaluated its condition and deemed structurally unsound for preservation.
They weren't that old, actually, younger in fact than the Hurricanes that attacked them over Britain. The CR-42's first flight was in 1938 and it entered service a year later with the Italian Air Force.

In my defense Nuuumannn, I just posted the info that was with the photo. I do know that is a bit lazy on my part. LOL And I do appreciate the extra info on your part.
I just posted the info that was with the photo.

Hi Aaron, yes, I know this and if I comment it's certainly not intended as an attack on you at all, so I hope you don't intend it that way. I like to post info for info's sake, rather than as a deliberate correction, what with all the fake news and false information out there. It is great to see these pics you post though.

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