Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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I have never heard of this plane.

The Short (S.b.3) Sturgeon began life during WW2 with the idea of it being a torpedo bomber.

The end of the war changed that and it spent some time as a target tug before being re-designed as an ASW aircraft… with a brand new nose.

The extremely deep nose, which contained two radar operators made this design to be really ugly.

A design that should never have left the drawing board.

The Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) came up with the idea of a light-weight ground-attack aircraft- the Sh-Tandem (pictured)

The Soviet government went with the other idea; a heavily armoured heavy fighter airframe fitted with guns and racks for bombs and rockets - what would eventually become Ilyushin Il-2 and Sukhoi Su-6

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space.
Indeed, i know the name and his first manned flight as long as i can trully remember. Thing is, the more i know the more a legend he becomes and ofcourse the program. As with the nasa program, big heavy brains and very big balls were involved. It is a shame the soviet one is not that accesible.
I posted a few of it.

edit: see here Search results for query: Sturgeon
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