Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (3 Viewers)

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Stretching the theme perhaps:

The Italian aerobatic display team ''Getti Tonanti'' (Thunder Jets) from 5th Aerobrigata, based at Rimini AB and operated F-84Fs. Getti Tonanti performed in 1959-60 and took part in the opening of the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome.

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Well now if I were Robert Mitchum or Robert Wagner in the "The Hunters" I'd say it was Casy Jones in a MiG 15 and turn my Sabers into them.

But since I ain't, nice F-84F's.
Can't say I've ever seen "Jet Attack" and it's been decades, many decades, since I've seen "The McConnell Story" (one of my favorite Alan Ladd movies, that a Shan), I've been meaning to find it and watch it again.

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