Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (5 Viewers)

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For my VID skills what are you using to delineate between the two planes?

Well ... I know the kite. Her serial is CN 1A-06006. Actually the WSK Mielec didn't build the training variant from scratch but these were rebuilt single seater MiG-15/15 bis.

Additionally , the MiG-15UTI had the different armament - initially NR-23 gun and UBK-E 12,7mm , later the UBK-E or A-12,7 MG only. The SBLim-2 had the NR-23 gun or A-12,7. Also the shape of the air brakes for Lim-2/SBLim-2 was different. These were larger like the ones for the MiG-15Bis. The MiG-15 UTI, CS-102 i SBLim-1 had the smaller ones like the MiG-15.
I heard a pilot that flew a USAF MiG 37 say it almost sacred him because it just didn't have a top end. If you kept the throttle forward it just kept climbing in speed. I've also heard it has to be handled carefully as the CG can be tricky while sweeping the wings. Naturally, I'm not a pilot and wouldn't know first hand,
Evacuation of 100 French Dien Bien Phu wounded (26 lying , 74 seated) Dalat (Saïgon) Airport june 26, 1954.
It began at Dien Bien Phu to Nam Bac by helicopter, then Nam Bac to Luang Prabang in Beaver, Luang Probang to Hanoï by C-47, then Hanoï to Dalat.

That is true. The MiG23/27 in US hands killed a few pilots. I know someone who has time in it and he said it's scary (USN Test Pilot). Very fast, accelerates unbelievably well, Doppler radar, poor ergonomic, poor visibility, unforgiving, short ranged.

That's a C-124, not a C-97.

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