Pictures of Cold War aircraft.

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An air-to-air view of a U.S. Air Force C-5 Galaxy aircraft over Lake Berryessa, near Travis Air Force Base in northern California, 8 August 1983. The C-5, one of the first to be painted in a camouflage pattern, is en route to Cairo, Egypt.

An air-to-air view of a U.S. Air Force C-5 Galaxy aircraft over Lake Berryessa, near Travis Air Force Base in northern California, 8 August 1983. The C-5, one of the first to be painted in a camouflage pattern, is en route to Cairo, Egypt.

View attachment 733063
Many an hour spent on those FRED's! Travis Tragedy. Fly into Dover a break before crossing the Atlantic. Ours were Dover Disasters to Travis!
Wonder how the F-14 would have done in the Vietnam War?
Unfortunately do to the rules of engagement, the primary weapon on the Tomcat would have been negated. But far more maneuverable than the Phantom and a gun gives it a leg up. Still a very large aircraft is a drawback but it smokes far less than the Phantom. But it's early on in the Tomcats life and without many of the upgrades she would receive though out her life, one can only guess not much better than anything else.
Wonder how the F-14 would have done in the Vietnam War?
Well technically it did well. The Tomcat made its combat debut during Operation Frequent Wind, the evacuation of American citizens from Saigon, in April 1975. F-14As from VF-1and V—2, operating from USS Enterprise, flew combat air patrols over South Vietnam to provide fighter cover for the evacuation route.
Well technically it did well. The Tomcat made its combat debut during Operation Frequent Wind, the evacuation of American citizens from Saigon, in April 1975. F-14As from VF-1and V—2, operating from USS Enterprise, flew combat air patrols over South Vietnam to provide fighter cover for the evacuation route.
I guess not quite the same point of view. It did not engage nor escort bombers up north like the Phantom, so my reading of the question would have been pre 75, for that matter 73!

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