In early 1941 the Luftwaffe launched attacks on Britain's ports and armaments industry, primarily the aircraft industry. A January 14th 1941 list of targets ranks ports in two categories (naval depots in rank II) and similarly towns or cities supporting the aircraft industry into two ranks. Between January and May 1941 there were 61 major raids on ports and 9 major raids on armament targets. There were also numerous 'storangriffe' or nuisance raids against these targets. Despite the inaccuracy and the resultant loss of civilian life, these raids were still part of a coordinated campaign against the British aircraft industry and in support of a blockade. For example Liverpool was singled out for attack as it fell into both categories, being in the opinion of the planners the principal port for the importation of 'aircraft supplies' from the US. About 4,000 people would be killed by the bombing of Liverpool and the surrounding areas, 2,895 in the first week of May alone.
The heaviest raids were reserved for London and were described, at the time, by the Germans, as 'vengeance attacks'. The heaviest came on 16th April when 712 aircraft dropped 1,026 tonnes of bombs across London along with 4,252 canisters of incendiaries. The Luftwaffe had, in Harris' words, 'sowed the wind'.
Arguments about who did what to whom first are pointless. Civilian casualties were inevitable in all bombed States anyway. They actually occurred at a level far lower than that anticipated before the war, even at the height of the Anglo-American campaigns against Germany and the US campaign against Japan in 1944/5. There are many reasons for this. I would suggest wading through 'Bombing, States and Peoples in Western Europe 1940-45' edited by Baldoli, Knapp and Overy for anyone seeking an explanation. It is not a light read.
The heaviest raids were reserved for London and were described, at the time, by the Germans, as 'vengeance attacks'. The heaviest came on 16th April when 712 aircraft dropped 1,026 tonnes of bombs across London along with 4,252 canisters of incendiaries. The Luftwaffe had, in Harris' words, 'sowed the wind'.
Arguments about who did what to whom first are pointless. Civilian casualties were inevitable in all bombed States anyway. They actually occurred at a level far lower than that anticipated before the war, even at the height of the Anglo-American campaigns against Germany and the US campaign against Japan in 1944/5. There are many reasons for this. I would suggest wading through 'Bombing, States and Peoples in Western Europe 1940-45' edited by Baldoli, Knapp and Overy for anyone seeking an explanation. It is not a light read.
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