Possible P-38 crash site Belgium

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Aug 22, 2024
I have stumbled on a crash site in the Ardennes and have pictures of various aircraft parts, which were strewn in a forrest. According to public records, the only aircraft which went down in the particular area was a P-38. I am looking for type confirmation (or rejection). One part is a broken off piece of light metal, stamped with the brand name "Bohnalite". I have seen a photo on the web with this same stamp on the bank of cylinders of an RR Merlin Spitfire engine. However, I understand that the P-38 was exclusively fitted with the Allison V-1710. I would be very grateful if anyone can tell me whether the Allison V-1710 also includes Bohnalite components (on the web very little is to be found about this manufacturer/supplier).
Here are photo's of some of the items, including the piece with the "Bohnalite" stamp. I have identified the round disk as a dial of a SCR-274-N radio set. Furthermore there is a panel with indicator or warning lights with the words "Warning, do not ground this panel" and "brakes". There is a light metal joint of some kind, which bears the inscription "Kinney LA" and an unrelated piece of metal with the stamp "ASSY. 6-9592". Then there is a piece which looks to me as a wire guide, perhaps of the mechanical aileron controls?


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The circuit breaker panel with the 30(?) yellow warning lights doesn't seem like a P-38 item or any WWII fighter that I can think of.
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The circuit breaker panel with the 30(?) yellow warning lights doesn't seem like a P-38 item or any WWII fighter that I can think of.
Thank you mjfur for taking the time to respond to my posts. I am afraid I am at a dead end. Would be grateful for any leads which might help establish the identity of the plane that went down at this unregistered site.

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