Publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 1942, on the extermination of Jews in occupied Pol

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Nov 9, 2005
The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland.
This publication - imprecisely referred to as Karski Report - is a 16-page booklet consisting of an introduction and four documents relating to the extermination of Jewish people on Polish territory under German occupation.
Most of the documents contained in the brochure can be found in a note of the Polish Government in Exile signed by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Edward Raczynski. On December 10, 1942 the note was sent to the governments signatories of the Declaration of the United Nations.
The note that Edward Raczynski drew up on the basis of data brought by Jan Karski , contains the information on the current situation of Jews in occupied Poland and pointed to the German crimes. It includes a list of facts and a protest of the Polish government on the issue and urges Western countries to stop crime.
The copy published by us was originally in the collection of the Polish Consulate in New York. In 1955 it was donated to the Library of the Polish Institute of International Affairs in Warsaw.

Full text of the brochure in PDF format: Request Rejected

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