Queen Victoria lives to 95

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
When she died on 22 January 1901, Queen Victoria was 81 years old. Two of her female children lived to their late 80s and early 90s. Today's Queen is almost 95.

How are European and global affairs impacted if Queen Victoria lives another fourteen years to 1915?
The British Army and Navy, in absolute horror at having a commander-in-chief who's female all mutiny and throw themselves onto the side of the manly Kaiser Wilhelm II and Europe has perfect peace and prosperity under the autocratic, but authoritarian leadership of the Hohenzollerns.

Oh, wait. That's right-wing fanboy thinking.

More likely is nothing changes. Victoria was probably better respected (and possibly smarter) than Edward, but Britain's monarch was far more restricted on what she could do than was Wilhelm II.
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More likely is nothing changes. Victoria was probably better respected (and possibly smarter) than Edward, but Britain's monarch was far more restricted on what she could do than was Wilhelm II.
IDK, Wilhelm felt a deep connection (likely not reciprocated) to his grandmother. She might steer him away from antagonizing all of Europe, and may push Nicolas II and Wilhelm II to settle their differences.

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