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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
The caption says, "Douglas Dakota A65-71 of No. 37 Squadron; it flew the late Prime Minister John Curtin to burial in July 1945" The s/n A65-71 can be seen under the right stabilizer but what is on the tail, RAF s/n? I've seen this on many RAAF/RNZAF C-47s

Nevermind, call sign, from here...http://www.adf-gallery.com.au/2a65.htm History...

C-47B-20-DK constructed under USAAF Contract AC535-AC-40652- #2032. Ex 43-49870 ordered under Case 573 Indent 2415 Div# 1299 Req#43338 (4th of 6 C-47B Aircraft Batch). Rec 3AD ex USA 19/02/45. DAT callsign VH-CIN. Rec 37 Sqn RAAF ex 3AD 28/02/45. Coded OM-N. Carried PM Curtins body from Canberra to Perth for Funeral in 1945. Rec DAP ex 37 Sqn RAAF 06/08/46. Rec 1AD ex DAP 19/01/47. Rec 86 Wing, serving in 38 Sqn RAAF ex 1AD 19/01/47. Rec 3AD ex 86 Wing 06/06/47. Rec 86 Wing ex 3AD 03/07/47. Rec DAP ex 86 Wing 22/01/48. Rec 86 Wing ex DAP 06/05/48. Accident Charleville 26/01/49. Captain F/Lt Telesimes Serv#420285. NFDs. Rec DAP ex 86 Wing 08/09/49. Rec 86 Wing ex DAP 04/08/50. Rec 90 Wing ex 86 Wing 02/02/51. Rec 86 Wing ex 90 Wing 04/11/51. Rec DAP ex 86 Wing 28/11/51. Rec 90 Wing ex DAP vis 86 Wing 20/05/52. Rec 86 Wing ex 90 Wing 05/12/52. Rec 2AD ex 86 Wing 17/08/53. Rec 86 Wing ex 2AD 29/08/53. Rec 2AD ex 86 Wing 26/03/54. Rec East Sale ex 2AD 10/06/55. Rec 86 Wing ex East Sale 27/03/56. Accident 15/05/56 when aircraft struck ship mast (30.10 S/150.41E)SS HEXAM BANK in the vicinity of Newcastle, causing damage to fuselage and airscrew. Held by 2AD before going to DAP ex 86Wing 28/08/56. Rec DAP 21/01/57. Rec 1AD ex DAP 03/08/57. Rec 86 Wing ex 1AD 05/08/57. Rec 2AD ex 86 Wing 02/02/62. Rec 86Wing ex 2AD 14/02/62. Rec ARW ex 86 Wing 04/09/62. Rec 86 Wing ex ARW 29/03/63. Rec 2 Sqn RAAF Malaysia ex 86 Wing 01/07/63. Rec ARW ex 2 Sqn RAAF 12/09/65. Rec 2AD ex ARW 21/01/67. Rec 10 MR Sqn ex 2AD 28/06/67. Rec Butterworth Support Transport Flt ex 10 MR Sqn RAAF 05/03/68. Ret Fairbain AFB ex Butterworth Transport Support Flight 26/06/80.Withdrawn from operation use 10/81. Transferred to Australian War Memorial. Flown by RAAF on behalf of the Australian War Memorial.
Retired 08/97 and currently stored at Treloar Centre.

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