Radio range

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Apr 2, 2015
Hello! Does anyone happen to know the general range of radios for fighters in the early part of the war along the Eastern front? (Yak-1 range would be even more perfect, after they started installing them in 1942, obviously ). I've found a few different specs on radios in general, but there seems to be quite a difference in actual range. The best I have so far for the Yaks is short ranged and unreliable.

From Russian sources:

The radio-set РСИ-3 or РСИ-4 used for И-16, И-15, ЛАГГ-3, ЛА-5, Як-1, Як-3, Як-7, Як-9, Ил-2, Пе-3 consisted of the transmitter РСИ-3 "Орел" (RSI-3 Eagle) and the receiver РСИ-3 "Сокол" (RSI-3 Hawk) or РСИ-4 Малютка" ( RSI-4 Little). The general range for the transmitter РСИ-3м - 80-90km, for the РСИ-3м1 - 110km, Generally ,flying at the altitude 1000m and working with the 11-АК or РАФ (RAF) ground transceivers , the range up to 100km but working with the ground transceiver РСБ-Ф (RSB-F) to 40-50km. At the ground level the range was 60-70km. The communications among planes up to 15km.
And for those that aren't familiar with Cyrillic, the aircraft listed are:
И-15 = I-15
И-16 = I-16
ЛАГГ-3 = LaGG-3
ЛА-5 = La-5
Як-1 = YaK-1
Як-3 = YaK-3
Як-7 = YaK-7
Як-9 = YaK-9
Ил-2 = IL-2
Пе-3 = Pe-3

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