Random pics of great warbirds

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just some random pics from my album of over 400 pictures


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The "hippie" DC-3 is owned by Steve Merrit. It was painted in that scheme just for the 100th Anniversary of Flight at Kitty Hawk, NC in December of 2003. Mentally and physically retarded children painted it for some kind of charity event, and was obviously touched up by professionals. It was considered the most photographed aircraft of the 4 days it was at Kitty Hawk. It has since been repainted. That is all of the info i have. I didnt get to talk with Steve for very long, but that is what i learned.
Nonskimmer said:
I'm kidding.
I rarely ever get to see the old birds flying, and when I do it's usually just two or three at once.

Ever seen a B-17?

Really loud!

There's one that's been flying around recently, as well as a Texan. (There was also another B-17 at an air show at KTOA, which I was unable to attend)
Not one, but three, GRG! In the last few weeks, there have been 3 B-17s that have travelled through Southern California; Fuddy Duddy (EAA), Sentimental Journey (CAF), and Nine-O-Nine (Collings Foundation). It has been a banner year for the B-17 here! 8)

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