Leaves will be on the ground next weekend - after rain. Early winter, my guess. Birthday horizontal juniper - birthday present from Leks. Morning light on the wolf pine.
Neighbors Terry and Bonny's place. They don't swim in this ... but the dock is handy for canoe expeditions .... Willy's is hi one o'clock .... crow flies 250 meters. Meander, my place, is low five o'clock one Km away ....
Hah... yeah. Got 1.71" on Sept 28th. Was driving home on the freeway (normally 70mph) and everybody was going less than 20mph and I STILL COULDN'T SEE WITH THE SPRAY FROM OTHER VEHICLES!!!! I wanted to pull off the side of the road, but was afraid that with visibility literally down to 10ft that my brake lights would only attract another car behind me to plow into me. It was that bad. Got 6.9" of rain in September. A little ahead for the year.
But you have to understand that Seattle, for all its reputation, Seattle gets about the same rainfall as Washington DC on the starboard coast. It's just that our rain falls in drips, drops and mist for 6 months on end. Whereas in other parts getting the same amount falls in huge rain storms and then gets sunny.