Realism - more than Patriotism

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"heat" ..... fueled by the collapse in world oil prices and the Syrian refugee tide .... it's very dangerous to pull heart strings and make policy up on the stump (speech)
September 24. Cool, sunny.

Last night was #5 for Rocket, up north. He's had great weather ... sunny ... no bugs. I'm going north tomorrow AM.


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Spot the Panzer ...

I honestly don't know ... he opted to stay up again this week ... just moved into scrub bush the moment he recognized my intention. The raccoons in town are very numerous and bold at this time of year so possibly Rocket finds the country restful


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September 25, 26. High 23, low 1.

Autumn light ... and huge full moon


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No ... you can shoot the two first steps but the third is a portage ... which I have done. Tiina and I discovered our land when canoeing above the Falls in May, 1981. And I have canoed right up to the base of the bottom step in December ... as well as other seasons


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October 10. Blustery and damp.

Warthogs in Estonia .... an Estonian friend sent me some Northern Lights photos from Estonia ... where A-10s are currently based.


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