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Probably the only house in the neighborhood where the delivery person is 'shocked' if delivering anything 'other then' kit parts!!
There were attempts to launch them into space with bottle rockets. I don't think we got much altitude, but the explosions were quite satisfying.
I built the Revell 1/72 B-24D. I wanted to see if we could make it fly and dad said let's do it, I took six D cell rockets and strapped them on two on top of each wing outboard of each engine and one slung between the engines on the bottom. I then took tow more and placed the over and under the tail on the fuselage. We set it on a sheet of plywood at about a 45-50° angle. Dad says you ready. Gleem in my eyes, oh yeah let's do this!

He hit the leads to the car battery, WOOSH it went as the three rockets on the right wing and one of the tail motors lit off. And it cartwheeled across the driveway chasing me everywhere I ran, and my dad laughed so hard.

And it didn't even break the model save the guns breaking off.
The latest. Nothing very thrilling. Odds and ends. I finally found the decals for my Nieuport 17 fighter in German markings!


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