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"Downsize" Sorry - does not compute!!
When we downsized we went from a larger house to a smaller house. Children have left home, only the two of us so no need for the larger house, we also had stairs to the upper floor bedrooms that could become a problem as we got older so went for a single story home and in reality moved into a larger residence still with the same number of bedrooms but with a huge family room which we didn't have before. The term downsize is moving to a smaller place of residence.
The latest today. Choice was the book of the Ki-15 Babs or this, so I chose this since they are very difficult to find. The IJN Hiryu decals were just a greedy choice since I already have one.


  • 20231127 Kawasaki Ki-48-I type 99 Sokei 1:48 AZ Models.jpg
    839.7 KB · Views: 9
  • 20231127 Ki-48-I marking choices.jpg
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  • 20231127 Ki-48-I interior.jpg
    632.5 KB · Views: 8
  • 20231127 KI-48-I decals.jpg
    549.3 KB · Views: 9
  • 20231127 Kawasaki Ki-148 I-GO.jpg
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  • 20231127 Monte:AZ Model masks.jpg
    512.5 KB · Views: 7
  • 20231127 masking extras.jpg
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  • 20231127 IJN Hiryu decals 1:48 Eagle Strike Decals.jpg
    501.5 KB · Views: 8
  • 20231127 Hiryu details.jpg
    639 KB · Views: 9
Nice scores Jesse!
Never seen that Kawasaki I-GO before, wonder if the Germans helped out with the research, or if it was completely independent.
You know, you are probably right about that. The Germans sure had a lot of flying bombs.

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