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And I thought a B-24 was what was in front of a Ki-61.

Good catch. You'd think a Japanese company, especially Tamiya would be able to catch that error. Well minor, oh no, I'll burn the kit for this indiscretion!
OK..... after 2 years of a self imposed buying ban I finally caved. I found an unused VISA gift card in my wallet that was due to expire at the end of the year. I went to PG today because I knew the "LHS" sell Airfix and I wanted to get a P-40 to do the blue version recently posted in the P-40 thread. Major disappointed when they had none but I couldn't leave empty handed could I.

Just did some checking online and the price I paid was very reasonable. If I can't find a picture of an RCAF kite for which I already have decals in the stash, I'll do the Irish version pictured at the bottom of the box. Having a shufti through the instructions, I was quite pleased to see that Airfix includes extensive wiring diagrams

Thanks Terry. I just found out the the difference between the Mk.I and Mk.II was that the former had a metal hull and the latter had a wooden hulk. Would this cause a visible difference and would there be others? I just found a spiffy over-all yellow-orange Mk.II; HD874 belonging to the Royal Australian National Antarctica Establishment, 1948
Don't think any differences would be apparent on a model Geo.
I have a Walrus book on the hard drive - if I can get it to attach, I'll send it to you via e-mail.
If I can't, then my PC is going in to hopefully solve its current problems, and get some up-dates and more memory etc, on Monday, and I hope top have it back by Wednesday, so I'll sort it then.
Some good info, colour schemes and detail pics in the book, so should be helpful.

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