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I wasn't sure which kit/s were best - the first Airfix offering was of this was in 1959!!

The Italeri kit looks good for medium ? level build.

The Special Hobby kit review has 48 photos for the kit as unboxed and includes what looks like all of the interior, including
decals for internal signs. Probably one for advanced builders as there looks to be a lot of hours - it's a MKIII.

Being in Australia I'll have to take what comes along though as overseas freight is a killer here.
I was given a Revell 1/700th Tirpitz by my son a few years ago and I still have to finish that. The Revell model is a shrink down from
their 1/350th model so just as many bits but a hell of a lot smaller. If I can finish that in one piece a 1/72 Sunderland should be easy.

So we cancel the kilo too as I forgot about the glue :p
Just won this on e bay,for £17.80.

Chipmunk kit.jpg
Yep. Looks a nice kit, from what I've seen in reviews and the Airfix web site. Might get another one and paint it in the colours of the one I used to get to fly, now and then, back in the 80's / 90's.

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