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Well I was able to have my primary Birthday present the added bonuses by me....

Eduard Tora, Tora, Tora_9885.jpg
Tamiya Tanks_9897.jpg
My wife bought me a book I have wanted ever since it came out, Samourai Sur Portes-Avions Tome 01. Now have to wait for the shipment from France. I can't wait!


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My wife bought me a book I have wanted ever since it came out, Samourai Sur Portes-Avions Tome 01. Now have to wait for the shipment from France. I can't wait!
Great Book I have both, now you need to save up and get Volume 2 to complete the set...!
Or talk real nice to your Wife.....providing lots of hints......that Vol.1 will get lonely without Vol.2.......:)
Great Book I have both, now you need to save up and get Volume 2 to complete the set...!
Or talk real nice to your Wife.....providing lots of hints......that Vol.1 will get lonely without Vol.2.......:)
You are so right. So she says last night, I assume now that Father's Day is coming up that you are going to want to get the second book. I said, yes, I do!

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