IN the very early 1980's, we were assigned to Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. In those days, the T-33s used in Alaska had missions as recon birds, plus, sometimes, playing aggressor. The main fighters were F-4s.
During one exercise, a T-33 was bounced by an F-4. The F-4 got right on the T-33's tail and proceeded to call in a shoot down. The T-33 pilot called that he was ejecting. As you know, before ejecting, the T-33 pilot would have to jettison his canopy.
The IG judges decided that, since the F-4 was so close to the T-33 when the pilot called he was ejecting, the canopy would have probably hit the F-4. Since F-4's don't like FOD, so the canopy would probably have killed the engines when ingested.
Net result: The T-33 pilot was credited with killing the F-4 that had shot him down.... That led to a lot of merriment at the O'club that night!