replacement parts

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i've just looked at my airfix 1/72 beaufighter i got for christmas and found there are no clear front and rear cockpit canopies !
where can i get replacements, i tried the airfix website and my e-mail was sent back to me labeled spam..........!
any help will be gratfully recieved
I'm afraid Karl , you can get these if there is somebody who has had the old kit only or its parts.If not, I suggest to make these by yourself. memory serves the "glass" is dedicated for a substantial kit ( model).So if they offer these parts for the kit I would go for it.
Karl, Airfix used to include a small paper slip to order missing parts. The last time I did so was about 2 years ago, but they were still part of Humbrol then. I'd suggest writing to them, address below, as it appears ALL e-mails to them are returned as 'spam'! I tried sending one re the difference in the latest so-called Humbrol paint, which can't be, as the factory closed about 4 years ago(!), and it was returned the same as yours.
They are bound by law (British and EU)to provide the part, otherwise it will come under the headings of '..not of marketable quality...' and '..not fit for the purpose...', or something like that! Mention the other problem you had too, decals I think?
Hornby Hobbies Limited,
Kent CT9 4JX
Tel. No. 01843 233525
I've been told Airfix have a very good customer service record ,One guy on a NZ forum wrote to them after buying a 1/72 Lancaster kit having realised the rear gunner's turret was missing .They sent him a whole new kit!
i'll give it a try cheers guys

Karl , waiting for th Airfix answer could you send some pics of the kit?
I have an old kit of Beau but I'm not sure if it is the same ( I bought it many years ago from Russians on a market for really good price).If it is the same kit I can make new glass for you and send if you want.

ok wojtec i will do when i'm off work, i think its the same as the old 1/72dogfight double kits just in newer boxes as it has no engraved panel lines just raised lines of what looks like where rivets would be placed ! and is quite basic overall
My was sold by Russian in "non attractive" light blue-white box with caption "morskyj bombardirowszczyk" ( navy bomber) only.It is an Australian version with Sperry auto-pilot as memory serves.I'll compare these moulds to yours in pics and we will see.

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