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Looks kinda like some mother-in-laws! :lol:


  • defiant_s_rule__196.jpg
    15.9 KB · Views: 689
this place can get very interesting at times.
Ah. Fair enough, if it was doing that then would have had to go.

And I guess someone now has a pretty bad-ass rug! :lol:
Seriously though, the subject of tactics is very complex, especially as they were constantly being changed throughout the war and across every
type from fighters, bombers to coastal aircraft!

RAF fighter command started the war with nice tight Vics of 3 aircraft sometimes with one weaving behind which looked pretty, but the pilot spent most of his time in trying to keep formation, and not looking for the enemy! During the Battle of Britain, some of the RAF boys adopted the German "finger four" formation which was two pairs of two fighters each responsible for a part of the sky.

Then there was bomber command, which used to send the bombers over in ones twos, making them easy meat for the german nightfighters. they then sent the bombers over in one stream to try and swamp the german defences as to get as many bombs onto the target as quickly as possible.

Thats not including the combat wings used by the USAF in their daylight raids, or their fighter tactics... it is a VAST subject.

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