Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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:lol:Well old bean, can't beat a good banter back an round is on me. Want one or two lassies for the next lapdance? :lol:
Going to have a few pints friday its a mates birthday and a load from work are holding a surprise bash for him .Ouch i can feel the hangover now had to get a special licence from the boss she who must be obeyed HeHe.
well here goes


oops sorry came out a bit big don,t know how to re size doe!
Aaah can someone please show me how to re size .Ok the beaver was a 25 part promo kit from the states and is 1/24 scale i scratch built the cockpit and many other parts had to cut out the windows that was anightmare to do but i hope i have done the old girl justice the bearcat is the trumpeter 1/32 scale great kit fun to build and of course we all know what the other bird is not much to see at the mo because of all the masking overall fit of the ju88 is pretty good there are a couple of nit picks ie the size of the injection gates and a couple of small mistakes in the plans hope you like the picks will post more as i progress .BB
Yes sorry about that ive just finished putting one of the u/c legs together looks cool you only saw part of the cockpit there when its unmasked the detail is amazing talk about value for money i think 88 will be biulding into the next millenium with the amount he has got He He
looks great :) i couldent resist so guess who`s started a Ju 88 also..hehe
me. But i really like what we managed to get doen with Revell and that kit and i just cant belive they sell it to the price they do compared to other companies and 1:32 scale

i hagve finished the oilwagon ( seperate kit ) in 1:32 and i am planning to make the picture you see as a diorama..but that might take a little while..hehe


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Thats cool who makes the oilwagon i might invest in one i have a question in the event of an emergency how did they get out cos the entrance is pretty small.BB
I was going to ask the same question about the oil wagon BB!
As for 'getting out', the belly hatch I believe could be jettisoned, and also the rear section of the canopy, from immediately behind the pilot's seat.
Could I ask a very small favour of you BB? Could you please try to include a little punctuation in your posts, as I sometimes have to read them twice! I hope you don't take offence!
Guttorm, that's very nice work on the '88 and the oil wagon, and the diorama should look great! Are you going to use commercially available model 'snow', or make your own?

well..its as yous ay, the whole rear canopy was jettisoned in case of was even standard pratice that in case of emergencylanding the canopy should be jettiosned..but the little door was not possible to be jettiosned

the oilwagon is made by a small french company ( he does a really good job ..just email him on his website make a enquire about the 1:32 oilwagon and he will get you the wagon when you have paid. 100% reliable and quick replies, these are not made in to may samples so hurry up before he sells out :)

the address dident perhaps show up to good..but just press the title Signifier on the above answer..he has a lot of cool stuff for 1:32 scale and other scales
and i always make my own snow... i usually use plaster.. in mixed form and loose form.. here is a old picture of a 110 i made..but its not the best resault..just cant find the pics of another modell with better resault as i used loose form over the mixed form..really good resault

but the have nice snow also on S I G N I F E R



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Ah, yes, I remember, you showed that before. Good idea, which I might use for my FW190D base-board; I've done some lines of melted, then fozen snow, using PVA glue, but I need to get a better effect for the 'light dusting' of fresh snow. The Signifer site sounds good, I'll have a close look at it, thanks Mr.G!

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