Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Thanks for the info on getting out of the 88 .
About the jettisoned Canopy of a belly landed 88 i can show you this.. ;)
Thanks for the pic H. I see now looking at the plane it would have been very cramped in there .BB
Just a thought lets lobby revell for an 1/32 scale mitchell .HeHe
Nice pic Hesekiel, is that from your father's unit? It really shows how small the front of the '88 actually was. Thanks for posting.
Hey, BB, a 1/32nd Mitchell would be an excellent idea! A B25D or similar would be fantastic, and not that much bigger than the '88. Might drop Revell a line.....
Yes .. but is was my uncle.. not my father 8)
If you look sharp you can see the skull of KG 54 under the canopy.. (paintet OVER the number....
This belly landing is a result of a Spitfire attack over Tunesia. My uncle was wounded at this attack. (but a little later he was in the air again..)
Oh.. never mind :D

Yes.. He survived the war but died a few years ago..
He was a nice man with always good stories on hand....

By the way... the belly landed Ju was a A4 (sure you´ve know) with the Marking B3+ES .....
We "discovered" that... I have a few photos and he was former member of the IVth (Erg.Gruppe) 54 and changed then to the IIIrd (8. Staffel) and he told his plane was always the "Emil".. I have a Pic of the B3+EX (This one was a A1 A5) the belly landed is a A4 so it must be the ES :D

If i will get some of his stories completely "back in mind" i will try to tell them....:D :D
Oh yes... One Story i know.... About the "Kill" shot an the photo.....

He told the following....

The Pilot of the Spitfire must been a Gentleman... He attacked several times and the 88 takes heavy fire..
He arrived again... Always one Salvo should be necessary to take them finally down.. But no gunfire.. Maybe he saw that the plane is "dead" so he don´t fire again and the 88 has belly landed and the whole crew survived...

My respect to this man....
Look forward to that - he might have even been overhead my father at some time! Unfortunately, he passed away a year ago, so can't get any 'stories'. I remember though, that he had a small desk ornament, in the shape of a blacksmith's anvil, made from a piece of aluminium taken from a belly-landed JU88 in North Africa - small world!
EDIT; our posts just crossed, just seen the 'story'. Good to know that chivalry was not dead.
You´re right... Really a small world..

What nice would it be if the old "enemies" sit together with a glass of beer in their hand instead of their guns ?!?

But unfortunately the most of them have leave us during that many years... So it is on US to do so... :D
Yes, it would have been nice. But, at least we can, through this forum, and it would be marvellous to get everyone together for more than just one beer!
Hey, BB, a 1/32nd Mitchell would be an excellent idea! A B25D or similar would be fantastic, and not that much bigger than the '88. Might drop Revell a line.....

I agree with you and badbear - a 1/32nd Mitchell would be great (a 1/32nd Invader would be unbelievable). I think I'd go for a B-25H, with the 75mm gun compartment completely detailed, of course. Well, we can all dream, can't we. But I think I will drop Revell a line about the B-25 - you never know, can't hurt.

nice story :) and nice picture :)
i am progressing slowely on my Ju 88 modell..i have cut out the floor and used some wood from the original Ju 88 that we are restoring ( sanded it down thin enough.. ) and also added a few details like oxygentupe and a missing hatc.. and my mentor i watching over me to make sure i do a god job :lol:

but still a long way to go before thios bird is done..will most likely use this kit in a diorama in the museum of the Ju 88 sinking ( like my logo here ) as this is the same bird


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on this picture one can see the wood that i cut the floor from :)
one can also see the rustcolor that has attacked it after 64 years in the water..this wood was sealed between the battery and the batterycase in the Ju 88 and is fairly thin to begin with :)


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Fantastic job Mr.G! That's a nice touch, including a wooden floor made from part of the actual aircraft being modelled.

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