Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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the one in bodo is pretty much redone and newmade it was torn to pieces and huge part of the fuselage missing when it was sendt to hungary for restoration. but as you said..we cant have enough of these birds
and i would love tos ee one flying one day... actually..there is a lot i would love to see airborne..hehe

been of a couple of days and the thread just grew.. getting some work done on my modell as well any new 88 models in here ?
Going to restart mine when the TSR2 is finished thats damn big as well .hope to have some pics soon yes i know it hasn,t got the twirly things on the wings but its still a fine aircraft that should have been..BB now one of the last remaining two of them would look cool in the air again HeHe.
here is some progress on the Ju 88 kit..the fuselage has been painted ( not weathered yet..that will come..) now its time to add the BoB band ( red stripe ) and some decals..and also more details like pitot tube.. nosegun and more


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thanks Airframes

some small progress tomight..painted on the Kg 54 stripe ( i dont like the yellow in the kit..i like the red better for 4th staffel 2nd group KG 54 )
that is how the A5 we salvaged looked during BoB when it was a A1
and added some decals..
now its bedtime


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thanks for the comments guys
getting some small progress done.. also started looking into the startercart that i will have to get the powerlines thru..and the 88mm flak for the bunker..and also a lot of different small details i am going to add.. need to buy more trees and bushes also..and perhaps a kubelwagen and also searching for more personell i can add... one poor chap is getting ready for nightwatch...


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the only remaing on the 88 is the bola entrancedoor and the anteannawire ( and the rest of the decals on the main fuselage code and emblem ..waiting for those ) willa lso add the wire that goes from the cockpit and back to the liferaft along the upper side of the fuselage.. the 88mm for the bunkers is nearly done also..


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