Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Thanks lucky still got a long way to go tho ,as you can see its a real monster of a kit and add to that the paint scheme varys so much from plane to plane no two bears seam to be the same .Oh and yes i don,t know how i managed not to get paint on the walls pretty clever tho huh.BB
Thanks guys its a big job i don,t quite know where i will put the thing when its done.BB
Ain,t that the truth you should try moving one of these round the modelling bench not easy i need about five pairs of hands if guttorm can get the herk he can put it in the museum .HA HA but let me finish it first god knows how long that will take.BB

now that would be a nice thing but i dont think the herc will be aviable for such missions..hehe
keep up the good work. looking forward to see more
Oh, I don't know! Me and my Danish-based friend managed to get a RDanAF Herc to collect a Mosquito prop blade from Coningsby, and fly it to Vaerlose.....a courtesy liason mission, I think they called it......
Might have been possible if my Bro in law was still in the RAF.....
Of course, we could all build a suitable model, and donate them to the Gardermoen museum, then perhaps there'd be enough to make a 'courtesy vist' worthwhile. I'll volunteer to escort the shipment of course, been a while since I flew in a Herc, and I've always wondered what it's like to land in one!!
the last time we got the C-130 to do a courtesyflight for us was when we delivered the Fw 190 to USA. that was a lovely flight and i enjoyed the trip.. but darn that was a long haul flight.. norway, Icland, Greenland, new Foundland and then St. Joseph AF Base in USA..then truck to Florida from there


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i agree.. it took two days..and two days in a Herc is a loooong flight.. but a nice stayover at St.Johns new foundland..they do have some nice pubs there..actually..thats all they got..
You'd certainly need a good pub or two, and nothing else, except maybe a comfortable bed, after two days in the back of a Herc! I still hear the noise in my head, and feel the vibration! No wonder I was always glad to jump out of them!
I can never understand the facination of jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft when the engines are still running HeHe.BB nice pics of the herc mr G

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