Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Yahoo the replacement decals for my 88 arrived today now i can get on with redoing the paint .BB
I just saw your pictures of the Bear (my all-time favorite plane), BB. Looks great! I hope your Trumpeter Swordfish turns out as nicely. I look forward to seeing more pictures of both.

hi folks long time around..but its summer so not that much on internet..and also work inbetween.. but finally we are getting somewhere with the dio of the two Ju 52 on ice ( landed on lake hartvigwater in april 1940 and got stuck there..we have only made two of the 11 planes that landed and sunk..just to ilustrate what we made our Ju 52 ( CA+JY ) and one of the others that was salvaged back in the 80`s
so here is a few shoots of the dio..figures are soon done

hope you all are having a nice summer


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well..summer is summer..and lots of work also.. so not that much time here lately.. but i havent forgot you guys
for the snow i used plaster that i then painted white ( and some shades of gray..and also some black and blue in the wheeltracks..then i used modelwater to fill in the tracks and the "wet snow"
its starting to look pretty much ok i think,..just need to nosedip CA+JY as it was on its nose in the snow..and get some figures and action around them on the pics below youw ill see what i mean..two went on the nose..our was one of them..its hard tos ee when scaled down but on the overview picture you cans ee two that has gone on the this is how the dio will be when done..nose in on our and the otherone on its wheels


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my 88 model is now awaiting the kubelwagen.. bombtrolley..a "few" bombs and a "few" more men..and details..its all in the mail comming this way i ahve ordered 10 of each bomb so i can make a little stack in the forrest behind the kit also and also have some under the wings, and people loading one


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Great stuff Gutt! Thanks for the explanation re the snow, and for the fantastic pics. The dio is looking great - very realistic. BTW, where are you getting the 1/32nd scale Kublewagen? If it's not a 'stupid' price, I wouldn't mind one for a future dio I have planned. Unless I can find the old Matchbox 1/32nd scale Citroen that is, which is very doubtful.
Awesome work G-man! Was wondering what had happen to you old boy, glad to see you among the living again! How did you do the ice on the Ju-52 diorama, how's work going on the '88? Pics, pics, pics! Have a great summer mate!
Wow that looks amazing Mr G i have finally got round to finishing my 88 and she is looking good i will post some pics when she is finished there are a lot of decals to this bird and i am not taking any chances so i am useing microsol setting solution to make the decals sit down .ps Good to see your back Gutt.BB
airframes..i use 1:35 88mm flak and figures..i also will use a 1:35 kubelwagen ( the other stuff is 1:32 )
but i mean.. its so small sixematters in the difference on 1:35 and 1:32.. ( and it really pisses me off that they make so much cool stuff in 1:35 and the aircrafts in 1:32.. so i have to deal with what i get..but honestly..nobody can tell the difference when put the 88mm flak..

and lucky14..the ice on the snow. i used modelwater..but first i painted the "snow" underneath lightly gray with airbrush

thanks for the comments guys

and looking forward to see some pics of your 88 BB

and i will post some progresspics on the 88 soon..need to bring my camera to the museum
Thanks for the info about the Kuble Gutt. Yep, it irritates me that there aren't enough 1/32nd scale figures and vehicles too. Most of the time, as you say, the size difference can't be noticed, but it depends on how close to the aircraft the vehicle is, and what type of aircraft and vehicle.
cockpit update..working on the rudder and control systems in the getting things in place and testfitting so i get it all correct and working


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