revell-p-51b mustang

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Feb 11, 2013
for you guys! .. jar and I building a ladder to start it today ...

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I make this the DIORAMA will get there ... to a photo of DIORAMA ..

has work to do ...the name of the Battle of the Bulge
Then we will get snow and ...
is made of cups of coffee with the foam was!! ...
Sorry for spam..
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Looking good, and welcome to the forum from England. This would have been better posted in the Modelling section, but don't worry, one of the 'Mods' will probably move it for you.
And it continues ... with belts and buckles .. if I say well ..
Thanks guys for your kind words, you have very touched ......Continued ...
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And it continues ... ...
............Sorry about the photo is from mobile ..As you see I'll put in a MACHINE GUNS led... to blink. . and natural and a motor ... I think you understand what I write ...
some more work before finishing its electronics ..
........the cockpit and the pilots are ready ......has until now ... thanks!

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