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That may take a bit of research.

As it stands, the U-2 (PO-2) was manufactured until 1952, so that might very well be the last rigged military biplane.

When I have a bit more time, I'll see if I can find any others unless someone else has a better answer.
I took a stab at it and tried for something easy. According to Wiki the Gloster Gladiator was retired by Portugal in 1953. I didn't find an exact date.
The An-2 stopped production in 2001, but the An-3 variant was produced until 2009, so that might be at the top of the list.
However, I found that a company named "WACO Classic Aircraft" is currently manufacturing reproductions of the 1930 vintage WACO YMF series (YMF-5C and YMF-5D) as well as the 1930 vintage Great Lakes 2T-1A-1.

Current versions of the 1944 vintage Pitts S2 are also currently being manufactured by Aviat.

A company named "Fisher Flying Products" is manufacturing reproductions of the DeHavilland Tiger Moth as well as a few other types.

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