RNZAF 80th Anniversay Airshow, Ohakea

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Great pics, and remind me of the old RAF 'At Home' days, when there were loads of static displays, many open to the public.
Looking forward to more pics.
My local airport RDU hosted an airshow years ago that I really enjoyed, both because it was close and it was well attended. Lots of static displays, as well as some great shows and flyby's. I was saddened when I asked recently about any upcoming ones to learn that the nanny state had decided airshows were too risky especially allowing that many people onto "secured" areas like runways and taxiways post 9/11.
Great shots! Did you get a photo of the RAAF Hornet bomb tally? I've being looking for a close up shot to count the missions.

Just realised I haven't been on the forum for awhile - away doing stuff. To answer your question, didn't get a close up, but took this one of it taxying in after its display:

A few more of the Hornets:

The F-16 display was great to see, unfortunately my camera gear wasn't the best during the show, so I got only a few acceptable ones.

Doin' the Viper:

Taking the salute:

Well, sorry about the wait for those.
Great shots grant - but puzzled about that blue stuff in the background !
Bear in mind I live on the edge of the Cheshire Plain, on the side of the Pennines !!!

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