There are plans, in an advanced state, for major changes to RAFM Hendon, which include a huge glass tower, with some aircraft, including WW2 examples, suspended, as if being viewed in the sky.
Whilst this might be very 'artistic' and probably dramatic, personally I think it'll spoil things where the Battle of Britain Hall collection is concerned. The BoB Hall has already been messed around, with very dim lighting and 'arty farty' light and AV shows, compared to how it was in the past. The exhibits used to be able to be viewed fairly close up, without obstructive barriers or other hindrances, with good, clear lighting, allowing photography at ground level and from the balconies. In my mind, such rare, and important airframes shouldn't be used as part of an overall 'artistic display', but displayed in such a way that they can be seen easily, and fully appreciated, at ground level (which also allows them to be moved if required), where every detail can be studied by those who want to do so.
But then, I'm just an aviation enthusiast/amateur historian, not an artistic director trying to make a name for him/her self ....