Royal Factory RE 8 1/72

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Bullo Loris

Senior Airman
Oct 14, 2006
Hi mates,

I need the rigging arrangement of this plane If it's possible...3D, I started yesterday this kit

Best thanks.

I haven't got any arrangements, but here are quite a few photos of a restored RE8. Might be of some use.
Re.8 Reproduction | The Vintage Aviator

Thanks its good this link

I have a question the kit of Airfix haven't the glass over cockpit its right?, possible?, I found a bad pictur without but I dont know if its real...yesterday I started this kit there is a lot of work to do



Thanks I found what I searched, on the link page 2 (your second link) there is a profile without the glass, i think the first serie 1917 was build without the glass...



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