SoD Stitch
The Soviet tried to have a 7:1 ratio at key locations. If the cold war did become hot, NATO would have had it's hands full. With the lack of spare parts like canopies, The F16 and F15 would have been hard press to control the skies for a prolong period. I will let you guess what our computer projections were.
If I remember correctly, the front-line conventional units in West Germany and Belgium weren't expected to repel a projected Warsaw Pact thrust, just slow it down a little bit; a friend of mine was in the USAEUR in the '80's, and he said they were basically there just as a "speed bump" for the attacking Warsaw Pact forces, until NATO could arrive in force from overseas. Some projections had the Soviet forces getting as far as the Atlantic coast before NATO could react with sufficient forces to repel the attack (which would probably be too late by then). Needless to say, the TNW's would probably have been released by then.