Saudi Typhoons

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Different period of time is the way I see it. If the US were to sell them F-15s today I would not agree with it either.

The US signed a $20 billion arms deal with Saudi this summer. They haven't announced what's included, but it's widely rumoured to be upgrades to the F-15 fleet and lots of smart bombs.
I dont believe anyone really did that.

I think you are reading too much into the discussion...

Not sure I am - lots of gnashing of teeth when it's UK selling but when it's the US supplying justifications of them being allies are brought out.

Selling F15 upgrades is just as questionable as selling them Typhoons but one draws more flak than the other???

We all deal with Saudi - we can't afford not to.


On the AQ / Saudi Govt thing - it's a very fine line. Saudi doesn't really have a govt as such, just a large royal elite. Some powerful guys within this are funding protecting the wahabbi evangalism and AQ.

If someone (US govt for example) wanted to 'prove' direct links between AQ and Saudi it wouldn't be difficult.
It's the C21st 'Elephant in the Room' and everyone looks the other way, we can't afford not to.
Again you are reading to much into it. I dont think there was anyone saying:

"The UK sucks for selling them Typhoons."

I for example said that I thought it was mistake but I also said I think it was mistake for the US to do the same.
Agree with Adler. In an ideal world, the Saudi regime would have to throw hunks of gold to fend off their enemies. But since oil is the lifeblood of the free world and Saudi Arabia has been a world player in keeping that oil free flowing, we cater to them. World politics.

I understand why we are building up Saudi's military. They are a potential ally in a potential conflict against Iran or any conflict in the Middle East let alone.

However I believe there freindship toward the west is a fuax one and I would never turn my back on them.
In these kinda a deal...always a briefcase full of money. Maybe even a suitcase.

Hell...even a huge binbag full of the good stuff. The only bad thing is I don't get my taste.

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