SB2C Helldiver- SBD Dauntless - Tail Guns Positions

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Dec 23, 2006
Does anyone have any drawings or pictures showing the tail gun arrangement in the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver and the SBD Dauntless that they might be able to post?

Also, how were the spent cases and links handled in these tail gun positions? Were they collected in bags, or did they just get ejected out of the guns and drop to the floor or go out in the slipstream.

Thanks in advance.


I downloaded the flight manual for the SB2C from the "Tailwheel" site when it was active. It shows a good picture of the rear machine gun position and associated information.

I am not sure though if I am allowed to post it here for fear of breaching copy write.

If you know if this is acceptable to post I will do so.

I'm not sure. Maybe the moderator can provide an answer to your question. Given the wealth of information that has been posted on this site, I would think that it would probably be okay.

Can you send me the picture of the tail gun position via Private Message?


Hi Konig,

I will send you a private message with my e-mail. If you have trouble opening it up, let me know.


Konig, if it was a free download, then it shouldn't be a problem.

If you paid for it, I think you can do a screen capture and post the image.

Admins, please correct me if I'm wrong......
Hi Konig,

To access your private messages, log in, go to user CP at the top of the page, and then click on private messages on the left side of the page.

If you post the whole manual for the SB2C, that would be great.



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