"Kennedy International Airport Information Tango, 1824 Zulu. Weather, ceiling indefinite, sky obscured, visibility one half mile in rain and fog, Temperature five one, dewpoint five zero. Wind variable two three zero, two six zero, at one five, gusts two five. Altimeter two nine eight eight. Landing runway two two left, departing two two right. Metering is in effect. RVR variable two zero zero, two six zero....."
"Tower, MetroAir thirty four twelve holding short two two right for takeoff."
"Metro three four one two, Tower, I have two inbounds for two two right, I'll get you out between them. Be ready for an immediate."
"Hullo Kennedy, Speedbird Concorde zero five on the ILS two two right, marker inbound."
"Speedbird zero five, cleared to land two two right, wind two four zero at one five, gusts to two two, altimeter two niner eight seven, RVR two one zero."
"Folks, if you look out the right side windows, you'll see a Concorde landing, up close and personal, any moment now."
At first it's a single dim light that quickly turns bright, then rapidly materializes into a twentieth century pterodactyl swooping out of the murk, shrouded in moisture and streaming outward expanding horizontal tornadoes from its wingtips and its trailing edges. As it gets lower, the expanding spiral streamers touch the ground and stir up eddies of mist from the standing water that is everywhere. From the hold short line it looks like it's going to pounce on us, but It misses and impacts the runway eight or nine hundred feet downrange, generating a huge outsplash of moisture and vanishing in the murk. A chorus of "Wow"s and "Omigod"s issues from the cabin.
"Metro three four one two, position and hold, two two right, be ready for an immediate."
"Thirty four twelve."
"Kendy tawr, Aeroflot tow sivn vun iss eyeless tow tow. Vee land now."
"Aeroflot two seven one, tower, IMMEDIATELY reduce to final approach speed. Traffic departing ahead of you. You are NOT YET cleared to land."
"Speedbird zero five, right turn at the end, ground point seven five clearing. G'day.
"G'day, tower. Zero five clear."
"Metro three four one two cleared for takeoff. EXPEDITE! Runway heading to three thousand."
"Thirty four twelve rolling."
"Aeroflot two seven one, I need that speed reduction NOW! Traffic on the runway departing."
"Vee goround."
"Roger, Aeroflot two seven one, execute missed approach, climb runway heading to four thousand, expedite your climb for traffic."
"Vee cunfigr, then climb."
"Metro three four one two, stop your climb, maintain one thousand, immediate right turn two five zero, Departure one two one three five. G'day!"
Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood.
"Tower, MetroAir thirty four twelve holding short two two right for takeoff."
"Metro three four one two, Tower, I have two inbounds for two two right, I'll get you out between them. Be ready for an immediate."
"Hullo Kennedy, Speedbird Concorde zero five on the ILS two two right, marker inbound."
"Speedbird zero five, cleared to land two two right, wind two four zero at one five, gusts to two two, altimeter two niner eight seven, RVR two one zero."
"Folks, if you look out the right side windows, you'll see a Concorde landing, up close and personal, any moment now."
At first it's a single dim light that quickly turns bright, then rapidly materializes into a twentieth century pterodactyl swooping out of the murk, shrouded in moisture and streaming outward expanding horizontal tornadoes from its wingtips and its trailing edges. As it gets lower, the expanding spiral streamers touch the ground and stir up eddies of mist from the standing water that is everywhere. From the hold short line it looks like it's going to pounce on us, but It misses and impacts the runway eight or nine hundred feet downrange, generating a huge outsplash of moisture and vanishing in the murk. A chorus of "Wow"s and "Omigod"s issues from the cabin.
"Metro three four one two, position and hold, two two right, be ready for an immediate."
"Thirty four twelve."
"Kendy tawr, Aeroflot tow sivn vun iss eyeless tow tow. Vee land now."
"Aeroflot two seven one, tower, IMMEDIATELY reduce to final approach speed. Traffic departing ahead of you. You are NOT YET cleared to land."
"Speedbird zero five, right turn at the end, ground point seven five clearing. G'day.
"G'day, tower. Zero five clear."
"Metro three four one two cleared for takeoff. EXPEDITE! Runway heading to three thousand."
"Thirty four twelve rolling."
"Aeroflot two seven one, I need that speed reduction NOW! Traffic on the runway departing."
"Vee goround."
"Roger, Aeroflot two seven one, execute missed approach, climb runway heading to four thousand, expedite your climb for traffic."
"Vee cunfigr, then climb."
"Metro three four one two, stop your climb, maintain one thousand, immediate right turn two five zero, Departure one two one three five. G'day!"
Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood.
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