Search for identification pieces of a plane crashed in Belgium

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Nov 23, 2023
First,my english is not very good,sorry.
I cherch to identify of a plane crashed in Belgium in war.
The collier is writing WITTEK MFG Co
PAT 2278337

I thank it's a P47 or P51...
Here is 2 photos.
Essayez avec cette orthographe :
P 47 j'en ai aussi 2 tombés dans la region de belgique ... et quand les references de pieces commance par 89 c'est deja un bon indice

P 47 I also have 2 found in my region of Belgium... and when the part references start with 89 it is already a good indicator
Merci pour votre retour!
Je dois donc comprendre que vous savez cela car vous avez fait des fouilles et que vous avez trouvé cette même pièce?

I actually found quite a few pieces on several sites and not necessarily with the same references as yours but with the same beginning (89)
Looking at the part and the markings on it I would say that's a part form P-47D. The manufacturer's inspection stamp with the "stretched " R letter and the part number started with the "89" indicates the aircraft type.

Thank you for your information "Wurger"
Could be know where you have finded this information?
no problem, thanks for finding these details.
If I understand correctly, the "R" for republic means that this plane was ordered for the English air force?
If I understand correctly, the "R" for republic means that this plane was ordered for the English air force?

No, it doesn't. The stamp idicates that the part was made by the Republic Aviation Corporation. There weren't any physical markings on parts that were made in the USA for the UK. The only markings that the destination of an aircraft is the RAF for instance were the British national markings on the plane. Also the camouflage could be a clue what is the destination country. But if there wasn't the camo applied the national markings could be the hint only. Certainly the correct "papers" were sent to the customer with the some info about the stuff there. But if you would like to find out some more on the particular aircraft it is not impossible rather by using the part numbers. Just in general way eg .. the plane type.

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