Seeking ORBs for 7 Sqdn 1942

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Feb 10, 2007
Denmark Western Australia
Hi. Not sure if I am in the right forum for this, but I am trying to find information about an RAF airman who was with 7 Sqdn in 1942. I know the Stirling bomber in which he was crewing crash landed in Holland on 16th August 1942 and that he subsequently ended up in Stalag VIIIB. I am seeking information from the ORBs of that month. The airman I am seeking information on is Sgt F Thompson. Ultimately I want to contact members of his family if possible, but at present, apart from his serial number, all I know is contained above.
Any help would be appreciated.
Bill, Denmark Western Australia.
To my knowledge he wasn't Australian, though it is possible. The story is, I have a colour pencil sketch of my brother and me as children taken from a photo my father sent to an Australian friend of his who was a POW in Stalag VIIIB (later known as 334). Another POW, Sgt F Thompson, RAF, did the sketch from the photo. When my father's friend returned after the war he brought us the sketch. I now have it framed and hanging by my computer. It is signed "Sgt F Thompson, RAF, Stalag VIIIB, Germany". Starting with that information I have managed to find the other detail in my earlier post. I assume he was British, but as there were many RAF personel at that time who were from abroad he could have been from Australia, Canada, USA or even elsewhere.

My name is Agnieszka Modrzejewska and I' m qualified and experienced researcher at the National Archives. I provide search services of various historical subjects including Royal Air Force and Polish Air Force.
I would be able to copy for you ORB's for 7 SQDN, let me know if you still interested.


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