Sept 1940, Argentina invades the Falkands!

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
Without the benefit of hindsight, the best time for Argentina to have taken the Falklands would appear to be Sep-Dec 1940. By this time the British army has been smashed and sent packing at Dunkirk, the Royal Navy has lost both Courageous and Glorious plus is fully occupied in Norway, the Battle of Britain and the growing battle of the Atlantic, Russia and Germany have invaded Poland and appear to be in cahoots, and Japan has expanded into Taiwan and in Sept 1940 invaded French Indo-China, while isolationists are preventing direct USA aid.

So, in Sept 1940, a force of 500 Argentinean soldiers invades the Falklands, followed by a large group of engineers and support teams. This group forces the surrender of the small British garrison, declares the liberation of the Malvinas, collects all the British civilians and sends them in a ship to South Africa, and sets about building an airstrip near Stanley. Argentina claims that their seizure of the islands is justified since Britain will likely fall to Germany, meaning the Falklands may become German (not that they'd officially mind this anyway).

In the late 1930s, Argentina bought 29 fixed-undercarriage Hawk 75s from Curtiss with additional 200 built under license locally by Fabrica Militar de Aviones in Argentina. By Dec. 1940 (summer) two squadrons of Hawk 75, a squadron of Martin 139 (B-10) bombers plus two Curtiss Condors and a half dozen Focke Wulf 44-J are stationed at Stanley field. In Stanley harbour are two Consolidated P2Y-3A flying boats for long range recce, plus the battleship Rivadavia, light cruiser Argentina, and destroyers Cervantes and Juan de Garay. Meanwhile the Argentine army deploys troops, artillery, communication systems, builds barracks and fortifications, expecting some sort of British response.

What is Britain's reaction? If Britain declares war on Argentina, what does the USA do? Does this impact the Monroe Doctrine or the known Anglophile FDR's chances in the Nov 1940 presidential election, 1940 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
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I presume for this to work the Argentinian force is not spotted by the Falkland Island's coast watchers, the guns emplaced to protect the islands do not open fire or are ineffective, the Falkland Islands Defence Force does not fight, the RN wireless station does not inform the RN ships (don't forget the Battle of the River Plate) in the South Atlantic? If a wireless message gets through then any Argentine reinforcement ships will be sent to the bottom which would include those aircraft. The British community in Argentina do not react (some had already travelled to the Falkland Islands to help defend it from the Germans). Argentina losses exports to Britain and any of their shipping will not be able to be escorted in British Convoys. They would be seen to be supporting the NAZIs which would ultimately backfire on them as the war progresses. British Intelligence would not notice any preparations despite their sources in Argentina? Remember when there was a perceived Japanese threat the British soon sent forces, so in 1941 British Naval Forces operating from South Africa, cut off the islands, land Commandos and make life very unpleasant for the occupiers. The Argentinian government could provide base facilities to German U-Boats, but that would really upset the USA! A really lot of 'What ifs'.

The UK (and Commonwealth) declare war, then the US gets involved sooner. A nazi ally in South America would seriously annoy even the isolationists, who were largely more than willing to intervene in Central and South America.

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