Seventy-fifth Anniversy of the Landings at Normandy, 6/6/1944

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jun 25, 2013
I would like to post my great respect and gratitude to the Allied soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen whose courage and sacrifice brought the light of freedom back to the countries of Western Europe. There are far too many today who undervalue their sacrifices and, equally bad, there are those who work to negate and denigrate the reasons that those sacrifice were made.
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Bravo Swampyankee. Way to step up.
That should go for ANY soldier who fought in ANY war, too.
Words cannot describe the peace of mind we've all been given because of your sacrifices.
Having attended the UK celebrations yesterday I today went to the local one and it was great to be able to show my appreciation in person. Massive respect to all the veterans especially this guy; John Jenkins Portsmouth born and proud who gave a great short speech yesterday summing up his emotions and everyone else's to receive a standing ovation from the Queen and the 65,000 in attention.

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