Shep Paine?

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Blue Yonder

Airman 1st Class
Jun 8, 2008
Upstate New York
Anyone have any pictures of Sheperd Paine's work? I'm looking to teach some students about model building and I think I should show them one of the best model masters there is. I'm looking for any, hopefully all, of his model diorama pictures. Thanks.
Hi Blue. Sorry I can't help with pictures, but I know there was a soft-back book available showing his work. The last time I saw it was in my local Library about a year ago, but I can't for the life of me remember the publisher.
If he was the same guy that did the stuff for some of the larger Monogram kit leaflets, then I can scan a copy of the 1/48th scale B17G leaflet that came with the kit, which I still have. It illustrates some tips, and has a colour pic of a 'damaged' Fort' he did for the kit's release. Let me know if that would be useful, and I'll post it.

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