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drgodong i've already noted thar 324th was not operative (post 137) but i think they had their planes.
so just for fun
hand planes for group
P-40 groups: 125
P-38 groups: 121
P-39 groups: 145
A-36 groups: 116
Spit groups: 94
this incluse obviously not only reseves at group lvl but also reserves at higher lvl (if there were idk), Spit are lower probably because is a foreign plane.
drgodong i've already noted thar 324th was not operative (post 137) but i think they had their planes.
so just for fun
hand planes for group
P-40 groups: 125
P-38 groups: 121
P-39 groups: 145
A-36 groups: 116
Spit groups: 94
this incluse obviously not only reseves at group lvl but also reserves at higher lvl (if there were idk), Spit are lower probably because is a foreign plane.
for the USAAF Statistical digest airplanes on Hand in MTO
(end of august '43)
338 B-17, 115 B-24, 398 B-25, 270 B-26, 137 A-20, 362 P-38, 290 P-39, 625 P-40, 231 P-51, 43 Night Fighters, 188 Other Fighters, 51 F-45, 22 F-6, 30 Other Recces
It seems then that the P-40, was in fact very close in numbers to the Spite. There is not nearly the difference I had assumed, though the Kittyhawk/P-40 numbers are still less than the Spits, when the committments of all the allies are looked at.
Again, relying on: C.J.C. Molony, F.C. Flynn, H.L. Davies, and T.P. Gleave, The Mediterranean and
the Middle East, Vol. V, The Campaign in Sicily 1943 and the Campaign in Italy, 3rd
September 1943 to 31st March 1944, London: HMSO, 1973.
and also Ellis's book on the MTO
...I arrive at a total of 2339 a/c not including those attached to the USAAC, divided as follows
522 Spit, 348 Hurri, 188 Beafighter, 75 Aircobra, 25 Kittyhawk, 22 Mosquito, 6 Lightning, 283 Well, 144 Baltimore,, 80 Boston, 72 Blen, 64 Dakota, 64 Hudson, 54 Catalina, 46 Halifax, 45 LeO45, 38 Bft, 33 Lodestar, 26Albamarle, 24 Auster, 18, Albacore, 16 Marauder, 12 Sworfish, 12 Walrus, 6 Liberator, 2 Ventura, 104 "Other"
Adding up the total numbers of fighters for both US and non US formations, that gives the following
368 P-38/Lightning, 365 P-39/Aircobra, 650 P-40/Kittyhawk, 231 P-51, 231 "Night Fighters"/Beafighter, 710 "other Fighters" (USAAC Spits mostly)/Spits, 51 F4/5, 22F6, 348 Hurri 22 Mosquito. Thats a total fighter force of 2767 a/c
4, 56, 78, 352, 353, 355, 356, 358 this are 8 (i take 7 because i've read my already did list for operational FG on novemebr '43, and 358th was not operational), 495th is a training unit they are not counted in mto so neither in eto. 1005/8=126 arouns the same of P-40 in mto.
the point is not the planes available in a FG is that plane in theater for a FG.
p.s Parsifal it's too late for reply to you, sorry
drgodong you don't understand me sorry. i repeat i'm not discuting how many aircraft had a FG, just show that is no strange that in mto there were 125 P-40 for each group, the theater need reserves. You can check the statistical digest yourself, table 90 for mto and table 89 for eto.
for 358th i've admit and explain my wrong, there were 8 FG with 47 plus a training unit with '47 (and i repeat we had not counted the trainig units in mto so for apples for aplles we need sdon't count it in nwe) so 126 P-47 pro quota for FG same of 125 pro quota for the P-40 in mto.
This is my last reply at your pointless istance
I disagree, I think the P-40 was the most numerous (and therefore dominant) type being utilized by the Allies in the MTO by 1943.
i've some doubt in your number
the airacobra afaik were not used in MTO from RAF (for true just see a limited use in 601st squadron in nwe). 25 Kittyhawk are too few AFAIK there were 112th, 250th, 260th and 450th squadrons flying with Kitty III. For final sum i think that british Lightning were recces.
I stand by my assertion- throughout 1943, more Allied fighter groups (American, UK, SAAF) in the MTO were equipped with P-40s than any other type. I havent seen any evidence proving otherwise.
Hi vincenzo
The Aircobras mentioned in my reference were not RAF controlled. They were being flown by the Free french Air force, specifically
I/4 Squadron FFAF (25 P-39 Airacobras)
I/5 Squadron FFAF (25 P-39 Airacobras)
III/6 Squadron FFAF (25 P-39 Airacobras)
I found it rather odd that there were so few Kittyhawks in the RAF inventory as well. i will try some alternative sources to cross check
Sorry i've not undersdand that total include the french, so include also the south africains?