just for info
French fighter unit in MTO
GC 1/4 P-39
GC 1/5 P-39
GC 2/3 D 520
GC 2/5 P-40
GC 2/9 D 520
GC 3/6 P-39
GC 2/7 Spit V
GC 1/3 Spit V&IX
GC 1/7 Spit V (activè from 16th september)
GC 1/2 D 520
According to the list i posted (Molony et al) the following FF units were under MAC control
8 Groupement
1/11 (15 LEO45), II/23 (15 LEO45), 1/25 (15 LEO45)
2689th HQ
41st (12 Walruses), I/3 (20 spit VC as of 8/9/43), II/7 (20 spit VC), I/4 (25 P-39), I/5 (25 P-39), III/6 (25 P-39), II/5 (25 P-40). Thje D 520 equipped units were not under command, but you have not listed the bomber or seaplane units
Molony (et al) has the following SAAF units included in their inventory (I am almost certain that Molony has mistakenly included RAAF units as SAAF sqns, since the squadron and Gp numbers match)
No 3 Wing SAAF
No 12, 24 and 21 Sqns (48 Bostons and 24 Baltimores)
Attached to DAF
60 (P-38/Mosq),
No 7 Wing (RAF)
2, 4 (32 Spit Vc/IX)
No 239 Wing (RAF)
No 1, 40 (32 Spit V/VIII)
No 210 Wing (RAF)
No 3 (16 Hurr IIC)
No 212 Wing (RAF)
No 7, 80, 41 (32 Spit Vc, 16 Hurri IIB)
No 201 Wing (RAF)
No 15 (24 Baltimores) , 454, 459 (32 Hudson)
No 238 Wing (RAF)
No 16 (24 Beaforts)
I wanted to cross check the numbers of RAF squadrons with my other source (Ellis. Ellis's list is for December so there are bound to be slight differences. However the two sources are remarkably similar, which sugests both are accurate.
Ellis lists a total of 100 RAF squadrons (49 fighter) in the MTO as at December. molony lists 102 (52 fighter) . I think however Ellis does not include those units protecting Iran, East africa and the similar.