Sikorsky Helicopters in WWII

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Rotorhead 15

Mar 7, 2011
I am looking for any pictures of Sikorsky Helicopters operating in "Project Ivory Soap" in the Marinas Islands in support of B-29 bombers.
Thanks, Rotorhead 15
Cool another Rotorhead.

I will see what I can find on my computer for you.

What Helos you work on? I used to be a Blackhawk Crew Chief in the Army. Got out a few years ago.
Anything that Sikorsky has built since 1979 and before that Hueys and Snakes. I spent some time in Ansbach, 102 bevel gear inspection (TGB). Spindle insp... 11 oclock hole MRH, 96-97 Winter all of Europe IFOR. Kosovo later. How about you? Keep in touch.
Rotorhead 15
I was based out of Ansbach as a Crew Chief but did a tour to Kosovo and then Iraq. Still here as a civilian now...
here a few


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I have more but i'm not sure about the upload tool...
The pictures are awesome, thank you!! One thing about Ansbach that I remember was that there was a huge cat that lived on/around the flightline. For some reason, he always sprayed my tires as I parked close to the flightline for ease of moving my equipment.
On a serious note,my father flew on B-29's and his bomb group was the 499th which had a V on the tail. The 500th bomb group used the Z on the tail. It is ironic that the first deployment of the Sikorsky R-4 was Saipan and that 54 years later I was working for Sikorsky. Thanks again and keep in touch.
Hi, There were 2 or 3 different identifers depending on what period of time when the pictures were taken. The first was a letter, symbol, number, for example V, square, number. The second was just a letter such as V or Z, and the third was a letter in a circle. These identifers were for forming up over the ocean prior to the start of the bombing missions as multiple targets were always used. After takeoff they would free cruise to the meeting point and form individual groups based on the mission such as mine laying, firebombing, or whatever. In addition they would also free cruise back to Saipan after missions and this is where everything would SNAFU. Every point on the compass was 60 miles and to recover an error was 120 miles or more, many bombers just disappeared into the pacific.
My dad was a navigator and his math and star skills were amazing to witness. He could estimate math answers that were very close to the real numbers, he could write entire pages in complete darkness and he could write with both hands. He could look at the stars and tell you the latin names, path of travel and when best to see them. He was trained for 2+ years in all of the above before he ever flew on any aircraft. He had a fearsome intellect and was very successful after the war in industrial real estate
Where did you find your pictures? I have some from my father but yours are much better. Either way, keep in touch.
Rotorhead 15 (Kevin Cogan)
some more, what was the planes name? Maybe i can find some info on it or the crew that flew it.

site were you can find the pictures is

499th_4_Doris Ann.jpg
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Planes name was The Big stick. 499th Bomb Group 877th Squadron Tail code: square V44, survived the war - 43 missions

499th Bombardment Group (Very Heavy)
DUC: Nagoya, Japan, 23 January 1945 – Awarded for striking the Mitsubishi aircraft engine plant in the city.
DUC: Japan, 22-28 April 1945 – Awarded for a series of attacks against enemy airfields on Kyushu to aid the Allied assault on Okinawa.
Stations: Isley Field, Saipan, 18 Sep 1944-9 Nov 1945
Commanders: Col Samuel R. Harris, 4 Apr 1944; Col Morris J. Lee, 17 Mar 1945; Lt Col Walter E. Chamber

See if you recognize your father here. Allen Watkins: The Big Stick

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This is how the 499th was housed on Saipan


View on Isley Field, Saipan (APO 237)

499th_7_Isley Field.jpg
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Planes name was The Big stick. 499th Bomb Group 877th Squadron Tail code: square V44, survived the war - 43 missions

499th Bombardment Group (Very Heavy)
DUC: Nagoya, Japan, 23 January 1945 – Awarded for striking the Mitsubishi aircraft engine plant in the city.
DUC: Japan, 22-28 April 1945 – Awarded for a series of attacks against enemy airfields on Kyushu to aid the Allied assault on Okinawa.
Stations: Isley Field, Saipan, 18 Sep 1944-9 Nov 1945
Commanders: Col Samuel R. Harris, 4 Apr 1944; Col Morris J. Lee, 17 Mar 1945; Lt Col Walter E. Chamber

See if you recognize your father here. Allen Watkins: The Big Stick

View attachment 162506

Hi, No he is not in that crew picture. I am not sure but I believe that navigators and pilots were not assigned a specific aircraft but were assigned based on rewquirements and availability. The 73rd bomb wing took the largest losses of men and aircraft during their deployment. It is also true that the 73rd fought alone for a year before other groups joined in. I also think that the 499th and 500th were colocated and shared pilots, navigators, and probably the bar.
I want to thank you for all the help and research you have done on my behalf. My father only spoke in snippets about the war and that is basically what I am working with. Another aircraft mentioned was "American Beauty" and he mentioned that only because it was the name of a Grateful Dead album that I had during the 60's. Again, thanks for your help.
Rotorhead 15 (Kevin Cogan)
American Beauty above china Could it have been this plane? Few other types of airplanes (p51, b25) were named American Beauty, Dont know if same type of aircraft carried same name. Any way its a nice picture

American Beauty_1.jpg

American Beauty.jpg
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If you would like to make a dio that has a true story behind it you could consider this,

r-4b Sikorsky helicopter_18.jpg

r-4b Sikorsky helicopter_16.jpg

r-4b Sikorsky helicopter_17.jpg

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