Simple and useful tool

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Siggy Master
Jun 19, 2005
Sometimes our files are not small or thin enough to clean and make smooth some areas during model building.Also there cannot be enough of room to operate them.Here very wasy and useful tool.As you can see it's simply a short part of a thin slat.Its ends were shaped by cutting to needed dimensions and covered with sandpaper of different grade for each end.These ends can be of many shapes and it's up to you only of what.


  • Dscn1264.jpg
    100 KB · Views: 316
  • Dscn1265.jpg
    98.3 KB · Views: 306
Wojtek was it you who put "marek" to the stuka picture!? Greate!!!! Thanks man. You are a really good person. Like to help people. It is rare i our days.
I've some times done the same sort of thing as Wojtek has and i've even put 'wet n dry' paper glued to a cocktail stick, in a sort of tiny tiny cone shape to get into tight area's.


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