Slovakian Ace Rudolf Božík

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I assume the pics in this link are the ones you have?

I have a book on Letka 13 and, oddly, pics of his aircraft are not there. Before the markings changed to those above, it seems he flew white 7 in Letka 13 but I have no pics of that. I have white 8 though and it seems all of their G-6s were painted pretty much the same.
I haven't found any image of the kite as well . However the profile below may be useful. There are pics of other G-6s of the Letka 13 taken in 1944. All of them seem to have the same kind of markings like the "White 6". So I agree with Andy the G-6s were quite similar painted and marked.

the pic source: Slovenský Hotovostní roj - letka
Not an expert on the subject but that profile and photos seem to be as the aircraft appeared when the unit was part of JG52. The scheme in the Eduard sheet, which I think Geo is looking for, is a later scheme Summer 1944 and later) when the unit was some sort of independent Slovak unit.
So Geo is looking for shots with the Bf 109G-6 used by the Slovak Insurgent AF and unit called "Kombinovana letka". According to Slovak sources the new markings were applied over the old ones overpainted with the khaki colour. Also the white numbers were overpainted with the same colour. By the beginning of September 1944, Letka 13 actually didn't already existed . On the 31 August 1944 Rudolf Božík flew through the front line. On the 6th September 1944 he got back on Slovakia with another pilot together flown two Bf 109G-6s as the support for the Slovak Insurgent AF.

Rudolf Božík's Bf 109 G-6 WNr. 161742 of the Kombinovana Letka at the Tri Duby airfield.

the profile source: Tri Duby, Hájníky, Zvolen Altsohl
Good stuff guys. I'll have to take a closer look at the photos I have when I get home in the morning. None show any markings. You can't tell from the paint guide I posted but Eduard would have you paint the dark fuselage band RLM 70. That and the markings were the oddballiness that I like. A close look at the leading edge shows a saw-tooth camo demarcation between upper and lower colours. Would this be correct with the werk nummer?
Nice to see you back Igor.

Regarding the yellow wing tips .. I'm not sure these were overpainted while the yellow band at the fuselage was left. However it could be possible the wing tips weren't of the colour at all. But who knows...
Wojtek, these pictures in your last post are fictional, a humorous "what if" variant by Eduard.

There's an interesting incident in which Rudolf Božik participated well before his involvement in the Uprising.
In the spring of 1944 he was a member of so called "Readiness Flight" of Slovak Air Arm still flying Bf 109E's. During one patrol he and his wing man encountered a lone German Bf 110 in Slovakian air space.The German rear gunner opened fire on them, so Božik shot him down. Well aware of possible consequences of such action, Slovak pilots conspired to claim they encountered and shot down an American bomber with twin finns and rudders. So Božik was officially credited with shooting down a B-24 Liberator!

Ironically, shot down German flyers in they report claimed they were attacked by enemy fighters with square-edged wingtips which they identified as P-51 Mustangs.
Back to the question of sawtooth edges on the splinters, my failing memory associates these to certain Erla-built batches but I could be wrong. 161742, if that's the right number, was Regensburg built.

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