SM 79

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SM-75 G.A--R.T with japanese insignia

SM-75 in Japan

The SM75 was provided with three Alfa Romeo 128 RC.18 SPEC. (SPEC= Specially adapted for the flight) radial engines, each one developing 860 hp at an altitude of 1,800 metres. (number 18 in the engine mark).

The history about this raid:

In English

In Italian
IL LUNGO VOLO (Roma - Tokio 1942), Schede tecniche aerei militari italiani e storia degli aviatori
Alfa Romeo A.R.126 / 128

In 1931 Alfa Romeo acquired the license to manufacture the British engines "Mercury" and "Pegasus". It was precisely with an engine of the latter type, built by Alfa Romeo, that Renato Donati conquered the world record height of 14.443 m on 11 April 1934. with a Caproni Ca.113 High Altitude.

From the «Pegasus» engine the company developed in succession the following types (next to each the types of aircraft on which the installation was made are mentioned).

1934: Alfa 125 R.C.35 (Breda 64; A.P.1; SIAI S.79 ed S.81)

Alfa 125 R.C.10

1935: Alfa 126 RC.34 (SIAI S.73, S.75, S.76, S.79, S.81, S.82, S.83, S.95; Cant Z.506B; A.P.1; Fiat G.12; Ca.135)

Alfa 126 R.C.10 (SIAI S.73, S.77; Cant Z.506C; Macchi C.94, C.100)

1937: Alfa 127 R.C.55 (Cant Z.506B)

Alfa 127 R.C.50 (Cant Z.506B)

1938: Alfa 128 R.C.21 (SIAI S.M.82, S.M.84)

Alfa 128 R.C.18 (SIAI S.75, S.79, S.M.82, S.M. 95; Fiat G.12)

1943: Alfa 131 R.C.14/50 (SIAI S.M.95)

Alfa 129 R.C.32 (SIAI S.M.82)
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