Some of my AFV paintwork

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Got about 95% of the base yellow down now. Just have to clean up the lines a little bit for the final yellow/orange. When I first thought about doing this little project I thought.."It can't be that much harder than a 1/35th model can it...?"
Don't get me wrong I wouldn't trade this for anything (except to paint our Dora of course!) but some times the finish line looks sooooo far away.
Started to detail the mouth, claws and eyes.


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Seriously messed up my shoulder this week so didn't get to add too much this weekend. Here's the final shading on the teeth and claws.


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Didn't get to do much done the last two weekends. Last weekend was our big annual WW2 reenactment so no painting there.
I did manage to finish the final yellow paint on the hull sides this weekend however. Onto the turret!


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Finished up the whole turret with final yellow and OD topping. Going with that applied in the field sort of edge effect, not nice frog tape edge lines. I've been in contact with a couple of Sherman authors/experts who have given me some really good insights on the missing (not photographed) parts of these tanks so I can reasonably fill in the unknown areas without too much dispute from the nit pickers. Two more days, hopefully, and that will be the end of the horrific yellow paint and I can start breathing and regrowing brain cells again (hopefully) .


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Two catered events at the museum this weekend so no painting ...AGAIN! First was a "thank you" affair for the volunteers (very yummy!) and the second for the B-17 restoration co-op annual meeting. Bunch of groups working on different Fortresses from around the country. Talked to one guy who flies the IL2 resto and he said it flies finicky like a helo, although 7,000 lbs lighter than a combat bird. So anyways all I got to this weekend was taping out the outline that will define the face and paws in black stripes. Back to the horrific yellow paint that sticks up a 77,000 sq ft building next weekend...


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